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2019/5/20 19:35:33发布179次查看
    中国工程物理研究院(china academy of engineering physics),简称“中物院”,是国家科研计划单列的中国weiyi的hewuqi研制生产单位,是以发展国防尖端科学技术为主的集理论、实验、设计、生产为一体的综合性研究院。 [中物院成立于1958年的北京第九研究所,1964年更名为二机部第九研究设计院,1968年被授予jundui番号中国人民jiefangjun第九研究院,1973年使用第二机械工业部第九研究院名称,1982年更名为核工业部第九研究院,1985年对外使用中国工程物理研究院。中物院的研究领域包括物理学、力学与数学、化学与材料、信息科学与电子工程等方面.
the china academy of engineering physics (hereinafter referred to as the china academy of engineering physics) is china's only nuclear weapon research and production unit listed separately in the national scientific research program. [zhongwuyuan ninth institute, founded in 1958, beijing in 1964 changed its name to erjibu ninth research and design institute, in 1968 was awarded the army corps of the chinese people's liberation army institute of 9, 1973, use the ninth of the mechanical industry research institute name, ninth in 1982 changed its name to ministry of nuclear industry research institute, external use of chinese academy of engineering physics, 1985. zhongwuyuan research fields including physics, mechanics and mathematics, chemistry and materials, information science and electronic engineering, etc.
recently, mianyang no.2 institute of 9th research institute purchased pzt-jh30/4 type piezoelectric membrane polarizing device and zj-3 type piezoelectric tester and related piezoelectric material equipment, which further improved the material science and believed that the scientific and technological strength of no.2 institute of 9th research institute will be more and more powerful.


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